MobileCite E-Citation Solution
It's Never Been Easier to Write Accurate and Reliable Citations

Be Modern: MobileCite is designed to offer better flexibility, modern features, and ease of use. We interviewed our public safety customers and contacts about what is needed in a next-generation mobile citation system. We used that information to develop an eCitation software that delivers a clean, simple, and robust ticketing process for officers and a powerful management tool for administrators.

MobileCite Delivers
MobileCite is Next Gen Efficiency and Innovation. MobileCite’s features, dynamic and intuitive data entry, will equip officers to write and print tickets faster while still verifying the required data. It provides the best of both speed and accuracy.
No more handwritten tickets. No one needs to spend time typing ticket data into the RMS or Court system. This reduces the amount of time needed for a ticket to get in the system, which allows a violator to take care of business the same day the ticket was issued.
Be Safe. MobileCite minimizes the time spent on a traffic stop, which reduces officer and violator risk. This serves not only the department but the community as well.
Work smarter, not harder. Officers can write multiple violations on a citation, and issue multiple citations to the same vehicle or the same location – removing duplicate data entry.
The MobileCite feature set will continue to expand with additional enhancements that fulfill your ongoing needs.
MobileCite is Flexible, Robust and Easy to Use
Your Department’s ROI:
- Accuracy and efficiency lower the costs of the citation process and labor
- Safer officers and a safer public
- Reduction in errors lowers costs and increases convictions and collection rates
- Accurate reporting reduces risks and helps identify high-risk areas, allowing for more directed patrols
- Cross-platform means more flexibility on hardware purchases and deployment, allowing you to purchase items best suited to your agency.
MobileCite Features:
- Clean and responsive user interface that runs smoothly on multiple operating systems – Windows, iOS, and Android.
- Ability to work with multiple courts/jurisdictions.
- Flexibility to choose mandatory fields and validate data to eliminate errors.
- Racial identification for state compliance reporting.
- Voice dictation for even greater data entry speed and flexibility.
- Pictures that can be attached to citations.
- Ability to write multiple violations on the same citation.
Retrieve driver's license information with your device camera. No need for a barcode scanner.
Control your configuration - change violations, fines, and codes, and scofflaw information through a simple interface.
Assign user roles and security settings with the robust, configurable admin panel.
Report with the customizable ad hoc report writer.
We’re here for you. Cardinal Tracking offers best-in-class support via modern web technologies. You’ll be speaking directly to our
US-based technicians with years of experience supporting our customers. Like our entire team, they understand your challenges and the importance of your technology investment.
We also provide customized ticket design services. Our in-house staff of printing experts can assist you with design, layout, and artwork.
See MobileCite Live
Our staff will provide a demo of our software tailored to meet the needs of your organization.
Learn how we can help take your Public Safety Software to the next level.