CAD911 Dispatch Solution
A computer-aided dispatch system that provides crucial information to both dispatchers and officers.

Cardinal Tracking's computer-aided dispatch system, CAD911, provides crucial information to both dispatchers and officers, including intuitive data entry, signal code-specific SOP alerts, location histories, color-coded calls, unit statuses and much more. Our direct one-click access allows you to connect to Cardinal’s Badge RMS, LETS integration, and the ability to send requests to officers in the field to save time when seconds count. Our CAD911 information is also available via our CAD web viewer. This web-based application allows emergency response personnel to view CAD activity with 15-second updates. Integrated GPS and AVL capability in patrol cars improve the visibility of calls and resources for dispatching. GPS/AVL benefits include tracking of units responding to calls, the location of calls concerning resources available, as well as Fleet Maintenance features.
CAD911 Features/Benefits
Define an unlimited number of agencies – multi-jurisdiction – or Police, Fire and EMS – and track each with a separate set of sequential incident numbers.
User Configurable
Each user may arrange and predefine up to “four” user interface settings that allow for organizing, positioning, and sizing the different CAD screens according to personal preference.
Command Line
Experienced dispatchers may use the powerful command line feature to quickly initiate a variety of activities, including traffic stops and initiating an incident.
Automatic Hazardous Location and Medical Alerts
Location and Caller Histories
Instant access to previous calls at a location and prior incidents involving a caller.
Instant Messaging
Dispatchers and call takers can communicate with each other through an immediate messaging window.
The key to meeting the demands of higher call volumes during peak activity hours without “bogging down” is the ability to scale your agency’s system to meet your unique requirements.
Multiple Monitor Support
Allows a user to expand their desktop interface by placing selected CAD components (mapping, unit status, available units, etc.) on up to eight different monitors.
See Our Public Safety Solutions Live
Our staff will provide a demo of our software tailored to meet the needs of your organization.
Learn how we can help take your Public Safety Software to the next LEVEL.