The nature of the parking and mobility industry is one of constant change. To be successful, you must adapt to the fast-paced advancement of mobile and web technologies. In an industry that is continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of its customers, it only makes sense to integrate with a partner that has been reliable and dependable for the past 35 years. The one thing that will always remain constant within the parking industry is DATA.
If you are trying to resolve your curb management issues, or you desire to integrate your systems for smart parking, your main objective is being able to obtain real-time consolidated data. This data provides you with answers for forecasted revenue, space utilization, future targets, and also allows you to set goals for your agency’s vision and mission. Data has and will always be a key component in every scenario within the parking and mobility industry.
Over the past 35 years, Cardinal continues to elevate the relevance of integrating meaningful business intelligence. We differentiate ourselves by advancing our technology and combining it seamlessly with additional business data points – providing our parking and mobility customers with the complete picture in our all-in-one-solution, TickeTrak 10.
Today, Cardinal integrates with numerous vendors including payment processes, on-street contactless parking for pay-stations and meters, access control, parking guidance systems, and collections. Whether you are looking for timed parking management, space management or lot turnover rates, you can pull information from each service and combine reports instantly to get the data-driven outcomes your business requires.
Our industry continues to rely on statistical data to forecast what functionality or process is needed next so it truly is the lifeline to help with managing budgets and the general prognosis of a parking or mobility strategy. As such, we continually find new solutions for our clients to gather not only financial statistics but also the activity of customers, all within one interface.
Some questions our customers may ask include:
“Is this person a habitual violator, and if so, to what extent?”
“What notifications did the violator receive and what was the outcome?”
“Does the customer use the parking garage regularly, or do they park at meters?”
“Do they park with a payment application, or do they park in lots that require a permit?”
The answers can be found utilizing information that is readily available through Cardinal Tracking software solutions, integrations, and interfaces. When you can retrieve your data, you have so much more than just software: You have a full parking solution that has access to all of your resources, allowing you to predict how your operation will be successful.